Penafian : Ilustrasi ini hanya untuk perbincangan bersama ahli-ahli Pendita Emas sahaja. Ia bukan bertujuan untuk promosi. Jika terpaut risiko adalah tanggungjawab masing-masing.

“By holding more gold central banks are insuring themselves against their own profligacy. They print money. The price of gold goes up. And if they hold a lot of the stuff in their vaults, they are the big winners from the rise in price,” Matthew Lynn, founder of Strategy Economics, wrote in a research note.
“If you can pull it off – and there isn’t anything to stop you – that sounds like an easy way to make a living.”
As far as individual investors are concerned, Macquarie Private Wealth is urging you all to buy on this dip. Despite the gold's recent downward pull, are are the five reasons Macquaire says you should get gold now:
Sentiment towards gold has no[w] reached “extreme pessimism” levels.
March is seasonally the weakest month for gold.
Excess slack in the US economy will prompt the Fed to say on hold until 2014, as indicated, keeping short rates low.
The extent of the long-term rate rise is over. The Fed will ease some more.
Sovereign risk is not over.
Salam buat semua mantee Pendita Emas.
Apa dia kuasa ekonomi BRICS?
BRICS merupakan kuasa ekonomi baru yang semakin meningkat pengaruhnya terdiri dari Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan.
Gagasan pakatan ini member makna sangat besar ke atas status monopoli dilar US sebagai mata wang rizab global di dunia.
Pakatan Negara ini telah bersetuju untuk menggunakan mata wang tempatan untuk menggalakkan perdagangan, mengurangkan kos urusniaga dan mengurangkan kebergantungan mereka kepada dolar Amerika Syarikat(AS)
Berita dari Zee di India ...
Lima kuasa ekonomi utama yang baru muncul iaitu BRICS - Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan - bersedia untuk menyuntik momentum ekonomi yang lebih besar ke dalam kumpulan mereka dengan menandatangani dua pakatan perjanjian untuk menggalakkan perdagangan intra-BRICS pada sidang kemuncak keempat pemimpin mereka.
Kedua-dua perjanjian ini akan membolehkan kemudahan kredit dalam mata wang tempatan digunapakai untuk perniagaan negara BRICS akan ditandatangani di hadapan pemimpin lima negara, Kata Sudhir Vyas, setiausaha (hubungan ekonomi) di kementerian hal ehwal luar, kepada pemberita di sini.
Pakatan yang dijangka meningkatkan perdagangan intra-BRICS ini, telah berkembang pada kadar 28 peratus sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, tetapi pada $ 230 bilion, kekal jauh lebih rendah daripada potensi lima kuasa ekonomi.
Seperti yang diterbitkan awal minggu ini,
"BRICS akan terus menguatkan otot mereka. Satu perjanjian baru ini akan menggalakkan penggunaan mata wang kebangsaan mereka sendiri apabila berdagang dengan satu sama lain berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS)."
"Idea ini adalah selaras dengan banyak kepentingan dan keterdesakan ekonomi dalam ekonomi dunia," kata Brigitte Lissovolik, ketua ahli ekonomi di Deutsche Bank kepada RT.
"Euro dan dolar tidak lagi dilihat sebagai monopoli yg tak diragukan lagi dalam peranan mata wang rizab. Jelas dunia memerlukan lebih banyak mata wang rizab. "
RT mempunyai beberapa liputan yang baik dari sidang kemuncak India, di mana negara-negara BRICS menyokong rancangan selepas dolar mata menjadi wang rizab mereka:
Apa kaitan kuasa ekonomi BRICS ini dengan harga emas?
1. India dan China merupakan kuasa pengguna emas terbesar di dunia pada masa kini. Sejak tahun 1998, setelah India dikejutkan dengan perolehan nilai eksport yang negatif, emas menjadi penyelamat mereka dengan pembelian emas dalam jumlah ton yang besar sehingga kini. Manakala China telah menggalakkan setiap isi rumah rakyatnya menyimpan emas sedikit demi sedikit.
2. Laporan Reuters baru-baru ini menjelaskan bahawa India dan Iran telah bersetuju membeli minyak Iran menggunakan emas.
• Last week, Reuters reported that Iran is looking to skirt U.S.-led financial sanctions by paying for wheat using gold as payment. American grains giant Cargill said sales could still be made to Iran, particularly if they paid with non-dollar currencies.
There are also reports that India is buying Iranian oil, and paying for it with gold.
3. Jika berlaku persaingan dalam penggunaan mata wang lain, sudah pasti akan menjejaskan nilai dolar seterusnya nilai dolar akan melemah dan mengangkat nilai emas dunia. Lihat sahaja kuasa beli dolar sekarang sudah sedia melemah.
4. Hambatan ekonomi zon Euro
“We need growth in the eurozone. We cannot just talk about austerity because without growth, debt will be unsustainable. If GDP keeps on falling, and without economic growth, the socio-political backlash against austerity is going to be overwhelming.”
When asked about liquidity and monetary policy, he again emphasized economic growth as the only stable solution.
“Money can deal with the liquidity problem, like the banking system. It cannot resolve the solvency issues. So the painful process of leveraging is going to continue.”
He indicated that monetary policy could not really do much more to resolve problems. Instead, it is necessary to look at the real problems plaguing the economies.
“Lack of growth, leveraging heavy balance sheets, excessive debts are the problem.”
“You cannot resolve debt problems only will liquidity. You can just kick the can down the road with liquidity, you cannot resolve those fundamental problems.”
CNBC interview, economist Nouriel Roubini discussed the continuing strains of the eurozone crisis.5. Ura-ura China akan membuka pasaran emas sendiri bagi kawasan Timur dunia akan memberi persaingan yang sihat ke atas pasaran emas dunia. Ini bermakna indikator saham Asia akan dapat dipelbagaikan dan tidak tertumpu kepada saham bank atau industri.
Sumber :
1. world gold council
2. market watch
3. Bloomberg
4. Reuters
5. wealth wire
Final U.S GDP 4Q 2011 Estimate: In the recent estimate the U.S GDP in the fourth quarter rose by 3%. This shows a slight increase in the growth rate for the US’s GDP. The current expectations are that the growth rate in the fourth quarter will remain high. if there will be a sharp shift in this estimate it could also affect gold and silver prices (for the previous estimate of US 4Q GDP).
Ulasan Pendita Emas : Jika laporan negatif, dolar akan negatif seterusnya harga emas akan meningkat dan sebaliknya akan berkalu.
U.S. Jobless Claims Weekly Update: initial claims decreased to 348,000 claims for the week ending on March 17th; the number of insured unemployment declined by 9 thousand to 3,352 thousand during the week of March 10th; the upcoming weekly update may affect the direction of the USD and consequently prices of metals;
Ulasan pendita Emas : Jika sasaran memang mengena iaitu kadar pengganguran masih berterusan akan meningkatkatkan harga emas pada USD1700/aun pada malam ini.Bernanke Speech: The speech is part of four piece lecture series. The title of this speech is “The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis” Part 4″;
American Stock Markets / Gold & Silver Prices – March
During March the American stock markets slightly rose. This includes the S&P500 index that rose by nearly 3.5% during the month. As presented in the chart below, the S&P500 index daily changes are strongly and positively correlated with daily changes of gold and silver prices (during March the linear correlation was 0.59 with gold and 0.637 with silver). This finding suggests that if the stock market will continue to rise it may suggest gold and silver prices may increase as well.
Ulasan Pendita Emas: Marik kita lihat saham Nasdaq, Jika memantul malam ini, harga sasaran Pendita akan tercapai
Kutipan dari artikel :
On Today’s Agenda
Bernanke Speech: following the FOMC meeting the Chairman of the Federal Reserve will give a speech regarding the US labor market that may affect the direction of forex and commodities markets. If he will provide big headlines from this speech it could have a big effect on gold and silver prices;
U.S. Pending Home Sales: This report shows the changes in pending home sales in the U.S. for February 2012; in the recent report the pending home sales index rose by 2% compared with the previous month’s index; based on last week’s reports on housing sales (new and existing) the pending sales may also decrease. In such a case U.S dollar may weaken;
German Business Climate Survey: This survey estimates the developments (on a monthly basis) of the business climate of Germany. If this report will continue to be positive, it may positively affect the Euro;
ECB President Draghi Speaks: Following the March ECB rate decision in which the rate remained at 1% the President of the ECB will give a speech. He may refer to the recent Greek debt crisis and the progress of the EU economy. His speech may influence the direction of the Eur/USD currencies pair;
Forex / Gold & Silver Market – March
The Euro/U.S Dollar rose on Friday by 0.52% to 1.327. During March Euro/U.S Dollar decreased by 0.41%; furthermore, the Australian dollar Canadian dollar also appreciated against the U.S. dollar by 0.72%, and 0.14%, respectively. The Aussie dollar and Euro were historically linearly correlated with the daily percent changes of gold and silver prices. If the Euro/USD and AUD/USD currencies pair will continue to rally today then they may indicate gold and silver may also trade up. Currently, the Euro/USD is slightly falling.
Sumber : TradingNRG