Saturday, March 31, 2012


Salam buat semua mantee Pendita Emas,

Tahukah mengapa Goldman Sachs dan bak-bank besar lain menjangkakan mulai April 2012 harga emas bull market selepas mengalami tekanan harga.

1. Pengalisis komoditi Goldman Sachs menggalakkan pembelian emas yang berada diparas rendah akibat kejatuhan nilai USD. Mereka menjangkakan kenaikan harga bermula $1785 --> $1840 --> $1940 dan melepasi $2000/aun

2. Mengharapkan FED akan meletakkan kembali sasaran pasaran kepada nilai 0 seterusnya meningkatkan kembali harga emas dalam tempoh 6 bulan.

3. Petikan berita terbaik mengenai bank-bank masa kini

CNBC reports on why this is beneficial for the banks:

By holding more gold central banks are insuring themselves against their own profligacy. They print money. The price of gold goes up. And if they hold a lot of the stuff in their vaults, they are the big winners from the rise in price,” Matthew Lynn, founder of Strategy Economics, wrote in a research note.

If you can pull it off – and there isn’t anything to stop you – that sounds like an easy way to make a living.”

As far as individual investors are concerned, Macquarie Private Wealth is urging you all to buy on this dip. Despite the gold's recent downward pull, are are the five reasons Macquaire says you should get gold now:

  • Sentiment towards gold has no[w] reached “extreme pessimism” levels.

  • March is seasonally the weakest month for gold.

  • Excess slack in the US economy will prompt the Fed to say on hold until 2014, as indicated, keeping short rates low.

  • The extent of the long-term rate rise is over. The Fed will ease some more.

  • Sovereign risk is not over.

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