Khamis, 26 Januari 2012

posting pada pagi ini PE hanya mahu menyentuh harga ramalan yang PE buat dalam minggu ini bertajuk : Bolehkan harga emas mendaki USD1680 -USD1700 pada jam 1:00am hingga 3:00am pada 25 Januari 2012.
Dalam posting berkenaan antara intipatinya ialah harga sasaran PE pada USD1724 samada berlaku pada minggu ini atau pada minggu hadapan. Lihat bicara PE sebagai berikut:

Pada hari ini, 26 Januari selepas jam 3:00am harga emas sudah berada dalam posisi USD1712. Bermakna posisi harga USD1724 sedang dihampiri.

Forexpros - Gold futures moved sharply higher on Wednesday, as the Federal Reserve pledged to hold its target for the federal funds rate at zero to 0.25% for a "highly accommodative" monetary policy.
On the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold futures for February delivery traded at USD1707.05 a troy ounce during late U.S. trade soaring 2.56%.
Gold futures were likely to find support at USD1645.15 a troy ounce, Friday's low and technical resistance exists at USD1681.65 a troy ounce, the high of January 23.
Weakness in the U.S. dollar worked to lift precious metal prices. The dollar index, which tracks the performance of the greenback versus a basket of six other major currencies, fell 0.30% to trade at 79.75.
Interestingly, gold's correlation with the euro/dollar exchange rate is at its most positive in nearly 2 years. This means that gold is more likely to move in synch with the euro than at any other time since January 2010.
The Fed had pledged to keep its target rate in place until mid 2013. However, it has now moved this date until late 2014 resulting in the greenback's weakness and gold's bullish move.
Greece continues to lead the bearish worries in the euro zone. Yesterday, hopes were dashed of a last minute bond deal to avoid default when officials rejected a final offer.
Reports of the European Central Bank being opposed to restructuring its Greek holdings added to the risk adverse gold positive sentiment of the session.
Meanwhile, the start of India's wedding season last week, where gold is a traditional gift, increased bullishness in the precious metal.
Elsewhere on the Comex, silver for March settlement gained 3.78% to trade at USD33.18 a troy ounce, while March copper futures surged 1.01% to trade at USD3.84 a pound.
On the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold futures for February delivery traded at USD1707.05 a troy ounce during late U.S. trade soaring 2.56%.
Gold futures were likely to find support at USD1645.15 a troy ounce, Friday's low and technical resistance exists at USD1681.65 a troy ounce, the high of January 23.
Weakness in the U.S. dollar worked to lift precious metal prices. The dollar index, which tracks the performance of the greenback versus a basket of six other major currencies, fell 0.30% to trade at 79.75.
Interestingly, gold's correlation with the euro/dollar exchange rate is at its most positive in nearly 2 years. This means that gold is more likely to move in synch with the euro than at any other time since January 2010.
The Fed had pledged to keep its target rate in place until mid 2013. However, it has now moved this date until late 2014 resulting in the greenback's weakness and gold's bullish move.
Greece continues to lead the bearish worries in the euro zone. Yesterday, hopes were dashed of a last minute bond deal to avoid default when officials rejected a final offer.
Reports of the European Central Bank being opposed to restructuring its Greek holdings added to the risk adverse gold positive sentiment of the session.
Meanwhile, the start of India's wedding season last week, where gold is a traditional gift, increased bullishness in the precious metal.
Elsewhere on the Comex, silver for March settlement gained 3.78% to trade at USD33.18 a troy ounce, while March copper futures surged 1.01% to trade at USD3.84 a pound.
sumber :,-fed-announcement-229554
Terima kasih keluk emas pagi ini kerana anda telah memberi sinergi pada saham emas yang PE bid pada 25 Januari 2012 dalam nilai USD453.78 + USD98.52 =USD552.3 x RM3.10 =RM1712.13. Tidak sia-sia menanti pembelian harga saham emas pada harga rendah dalam zon trading New York.

Dengan profit ini, lepas sudah buat modal emas fizikal yang dilock semalam untuk menampung sebahagian kos harga emas fizikal sebanyak 10 gram.
Dengan kenaikan ini, mari kita nantikan paras harga Kijang Emas Bank Negara Malaysia yang bakal tercetak selepas jam 9.00am 26 Januari 2012. Berikut rekod harga emas sepanjang Januari 2012.
Sumber:, jam 7:58am 26 Januari 2012
- Buat teman-teman Group PE yang menyokong pendapat
PE dalam pertemuan di kedai makan berhadapan Ladang Mados bahawa harga emas akan naik pada malam atau pagi 26 Januari 2012 dan membuat lock harga pada petang hari 25 Jan 2012 tahniah harga emas anda belum diterima lagi dalam tangan telah meningkat sebanyak RM7.00
- Kepada teman PE, Tauke GCP yang telah kita sembangkan berkenaan lonjakan harga emas pada Isnin (23 Januari 2012) bakal berlaku pada Rabu ini (25 Jan 2012) di Yong Peng dengan selepas sesi malam pada 25 Jan 2012 telah berjaya kita capai. Moga belian emas jongkong pada pagi Rabu (25 Januari 2012), emas MKS tuan memberi impak pada hari ini(Khamis 26 Januari 2012).
- Buat rakan-rakan yang membuat provokasi mempertikaikan harga sasaran PE akan melepasi USD1724 samada dalam minggu ini atau minggu depan , PE ucapkan pergi jalanlah dengan harga rendah suadara/saudari nanti-nantikan. PE sarankan tunggu dan tunggu sehingga harga yang dikehendaki ditemui. Yang penting PE dan keluarga PE menerima laba diharapkan.
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