VGMC – 2012

VGMC – 2012
December 5th, 2011
Dear Shareholders and Partners:
Convertible Preferred Share (CPS) holders only see their dividends every month and more often than not do not appreciate and understand what takes place behind the scenes. There is a great deal of hard work that needs to be done before dividends can be paid on time every month, ensuring that these dividends are sustainable while continuing to create value for our corporation year in year out.
I am trying to open up a bit to our shareholders about what management does so that they can understand more and have a greater sense of self belonging to this corporation. Below I highlight ten (10) of the most significant findings and measures this corporation will implement, improve and take action on for 2012. I am sharing this with you and I hope to receive some good feedback from our shareholders. Most of these measures won’t be implemented until early next year, so there is still room for changes and improvement if necessary.
One (1):
VGMC is definitely on course for public listing within the next 2-3 years. In order to do this, we may move our headquarters away from Panama. We will focus on a jurisdiction that will enable among other things:
a. Maximum Privacy for our shareholders and business partners
b. Tax free for VGMC and its shareholders for as long as possible
c. Minimum interference from regulators on the manner and methods we use to conduct our business
d. Guarantee us a free flow of capital for business expansion and growth
VGMC is definitely on course for public listing within the next 2-3 years. In order to do this, we may move our headquarters away from Panama. We will focus on a jurisdiction that will enable among other things:
a. Maximum Privacy for our shareholders and business partners
b. Tax free for VGMC and its shareholders for as long as possible
c. Minimum interference from regulators on the manner and methods we use to conduct our business
d. Guarantee us a free flow of capital for business expansion and growth
A business corporation is like you and me. We are very much alive and we continuously seek greener pasture to protect our own, our family, our close relatives, best friends, business partners, distant relatives, regular friends and acquaintances’ interests. Similarly, VGMC is currently studying the feasibility of relocating in order to achieve a higher level and a faster speed of success in accordance with its corporate vision.
Two (2):
Pending the approval from our board of directors, our corporate structure will be streamlined for better management and efficiency. Modern day management philosophy is to create a smaller team of top level hard-working executives so that policies may be decided and implemented more efficiently. I expect to reveal our new corporate structure effective January 2012 which will consist of a smaller executive board primarily focused on Finance, Business Operations, Investor Relations and Information Technology as a core center for integration of these four departments. As shareholders may have realized these past few months, I continuously strive for efficiency, productivity and cost cutting so that VGMC may continue to deliver top dollar earnings per share to shareholders over the long term.
Three (3):
Pending the approval from our board of directors, our corporate structure will be streamlined for better management and efficiency. Modern day management philosophy is to create a smaller team of top level hard-working executives so that policies may be decided and implemented more efficiently. I expect to reveal our new corporate structure effective January 2012 which will consist of a smaller executive board primarily focused on Finance, Business Operations, Investor Relations and Information Technology as a core center for integration of these four departments. As shareholders may have realized these past few months, I continuously strive for efficiency, productivity and cost cutting so that VGMC may continue to deliver top dollar earnings per share to shareholders over the long term.
Three (3):
Premier Shareholder service will only be extended to shareholders with a total of one hundred thousand (100,000) CPS effective 1st January 2012. Premier shareholders may make appointments with Premier Relationship Officers to visit our Premier office to discuss their issues and ideas. All appointments must be made at least seven (7) working days in advance. Premier shareholders may also call our office to enquire about their credit top up and withdrawal as well as other issues. The threshold for premier shareholders may be raised from time to time as we see fit. We may also reveal more Premier Shareholder benefits in 2012.
VGMC has identified a number of Silver and Platinum Group Metal projects in which we will be taking a significant stake in 2012 in order for us to generate more returns for our shareholders. Such ventures carry very lower risk with a higher return as the investment in this sector is not as competitive as gold. There seems to be a lot of vulnerability in Europe and the U.S. for the next two years and we are monitoring the situation closely. The good news is that our investments are not exposed to financial risk in these two regions. However, in an event of economic downfall, the price of gold may either hit a record high or a steep drop. If the price of gold hits a record high, I congratulate all of us. If it falls, it simply means that your dividend in monetary value will be less. As of now, we have hedged the downside at USD1,000 per troy ounce of gold. This means that if the price of gold should fall below USD1,000 per ounce, CPS holders will be paid USD1,000 instead of 1 ounce of gold. I see the possibility to further hedge the amount between USD1,200 - USD1,500 this year! I also want to note that should there be any steep drop in the price of gold; VGMC is financially equipped to take full advantage of such an opportunity to engage in more gold mining ventures that could give the organization a sizeable advantage moving forward.
Five (5):
Payment of dividends to shareholders by third party payment providers may occasionally face some delays and hiccups. It’s no joke but when we are dealing with 50,000 shareholder bank accounts in 50 countries every week, you can imagine the possibilities and margin of error. I have mentioned this again and again that when there are any issues with credit top up or credit withdrawal, it is a situation that both the shareholders and company want to avoid and resolve as soon as possible. Patience is the key virtue.
In some circumstances, it is truly unavoidable, but we do see plenty of room for improvement. We would also like to suggest that shareholders open offshore bank accounts so that their dividends may be kept securely in a tax-free jurisdiction. We strongly recommend jurisdictions such as Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Singapore and Switzerland.
Six (6):
A new measure with regards to shareholder minimum investments will be implemented stage by stage within the next year going forward. Shareholders who have invested 1000CPS or less will be given 90 days to upgrade their subscription to 2000CPS or risk automatic un-subscription from the company. All current shareholders will be given 90 days from 1st of January 2012 to increase their subscription to 2000CPS. Failure to do so will result in automatic un-subscription after this 90 days period and the funds will be returned in full to the shareholder after 45 days similar to the normal un-subscription process. New shareholders who subscribe 1000CPS after 1st of January 2012 will also be given 90 days from their initial subscription date to increase their subscription to 2000 CPS. Management feels that it is time for shareholders to move forward. This 2000CPS minimum subscription amount will gradually be increased to 3,000 and 5,000. The time to test the credibility of VGMC is over; beyond 2012 we will be gearing up this corporation to the next level. There are some “rotten apples” out there and this exercise will help get rid of the minority to protect the majority.
Seven (7):
Financial Statements and Transparency. Many CPS holders request VGMC to reveal some kind of financial statement. Firstly, we are not required by law to do this. Secondly, we are under contract through our dealings with our partners to not release such figures to the public. Thirdly, there is really no need for such disclosure to our CPS holders. CPS holders under our subscription terms have no managerial and voting rights to decide on the running of VGMC. When there are dividends and when dividends are paid on time to shareholders, it signifies that the corporation is well run and financially viable. As we move closer to public listing or when we are ready for public listing, these figures will be made available to the public.
Eight (8):
We will continue to offer gold trading to our shareholders. However, we urge shareholders not to go overboard with this. The strategy should always be to buy low and sell high. Daily trading is not encouraged. In fact, we may come out with a few measures and strategies next year to encourage shareholders not to speculate in short term trading but rather take a longer view on the prospect of bullish gold prices over the long term. We are studying and evaluating the proposal to implement higher intra-day charges and these charges may be reduced as time goes by and totally abolished if shareholders keep their paper trade for more than a week, for example. Our philosophy is simple: Encourage shareholders to build/create wealth through proper financial strategies. Speculating is not a strategy, speculating is gambling and gambling is illegal in all religions.
Nine (9)
Improvement on Information Technology (IT) facilities. As our shareholder base grows more every day worldwide, the need to add and upgrade our servers, firewalls and other hardware has become a necessity. We will implement our state-of-the-art IT facility throughout 2012 which will provide us with one of the most efficient and modern shareholder online account facilities comparable to any company of our size in the world. Our new facility will enable us to cater to a few hundred thousand shareholders from all regions.
Ten (10)
Events and Promotions. We feel that it is about time that we stopped our regional promotions for our shareholders. I have to admit that there is a sense of unfairness when we hold certain promotions in Uruguay but not in Brazil, for example. It’s time we focus on the contribution of all our shareholders and view/treat them as a global community. We are still discussing among our executive board members regarding the type of global promotion and events that we will hold for 2012.
These last few years have really been great for VGMC as we have been growing in leaps and bounds. The good news is we are aiming higher and we will reach greater heights over the next few years. Capital appreciation will be more significantly felt while dividends will seem relatively lower as the price per share increases. As I had mentioned months ago, it actually adds up to the same at the end of the day. It is part of the evolution of every great corporation. In the beginning as confidence is lower, shares are offered at a lower price and gradually the share value will appreciate in tandem with better management, confidence and capability to move forward.
I take this opportunity to wish all shareholders and staff a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If I may suggest, take some time off or go for a holiday with your family. Do some credit withdrawals and use the money to celebrate with your loved ones, your friends and donate a worthy sum to the needy. The more you give to the world, the more the world gives back to you. There is an ironic belief that money is very much alive. Contrary to normal belief that you must try your best to earn and protect all the money you can; money actually chooses its owner. If you are a worthy owner, it will come to you and it will call out to all its relatives and friends to come to you. If you think about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, this belief is not so ironic and could actually be true!
2012…VGMC is coming to you!
5th December 2011
Kenneth Elinger
CEO and President
Virgin Gold Mining Corporation
Virgin Gold CPS Price Increase
November 30th, 2011
Dear Shareholders, Partners & Members of the Public
The board of directors of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation, upon recommendation from our executive board, external auditors and financial consultants, has decided on a gradual increment of the Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Shares (CPS) offering price from January to April 2012.
The new offering price for Virgin Gold CPS:
The board of directors of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation, upon recommendation from our executive board, external auditors and financial consultants, has decided on a gradual increment of the Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Shares (CPS) offering price from January to April 2012.
The new offering price for Virgin Gold CPS:
1st December 2011

1st January 2012 – USD1.35
1st February 2012 – USD1.40
1st March 2012 – USD1.45
1st April 2012 – USD1.50
We hereby give a minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice to all potential and current shareholders regarding this price increment, in accordance with the Articles of Association of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation.
The value of any business corporation is reflected by its share price. Shareholders should feel proud as their investment in Virgin Gold has appreciated steadily over the years. The ability of Virgin Gold to offer its shares at a higher price is an indication of market confidence in its financial performance, mining operations and management capability.
Thank you for your support.
Ricardo Luigi Oliviera
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Virgin Gold Mining Corporation
1st April 2012 – USD1.50
We hereby give a minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice to all potential and current shareholders regarding this price increment, in accordance with the Articles of Association of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation.
The value of any business corporation is reflected by its share price. Shareholders should feel proud as their investment in Virgin Gold has appreciated steadily over the years. The ability of Virgin Gold to offer its shares at a higher price is an indication of market confidence in its financial performance, mining operations and management capability.
Thank you for your support.
Ricardo Luigi Oliviera
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Virgin Gold Mining Corporation
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